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about gabriele...

Gabriele lives in Perth, Australia with her immediate family,with her extended family spread across the globe.


Art, in one form or another has been a part of Gabriele's life since she was a child, however Art, chosen as a type of therapy, came later in life when she came across Julia Cameron's book ' The Artists Way'.  Intrigued and with further study, Transpersonal Art Therapy then Psychotherapy in Art became an avocation.


why use art in therapy? 

Sometimes there are no words to express how you feel... that's where an art medium can help. 


It's also great for insight and provides a certain freedom in expression. Particularly as it's not about the end result, it's about the process.


"Transpersonal Art Therapy and Psychotherapy based on the Arts has changed my life, and I love sharing techniques with my clients.  


My wish is, that it will create a positive inpact in your life too." - Gabriele


why choose gabriele?

If you haven't experienced art therapy or psychotherapy as a method of therapy, then perhaps it's about time to give it a go.


"I believe that my ability to hold the space, my keen level of awareness, my ability to listen and willingness to be open, will better enable me to assist you as the facilitator of your Session.


I look forward to seeing you soon.


Best Wishes"

- Gabriele 




“The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.” 

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